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Country Girl Photo Shoot: Clothing

Did you catch my post last week with my What to Wear Guide- Kids? If not, be sure to check that out first!

So here’s the back story on the outfit I used for my little girl- my husband had a light day at work, and was home early.  Being the five-star husband he is, he agreed to help me run some errands.  One of the things on my to-do list was to get a few pieces of clothing for my daughter who had recently decided to eat some miracle grow… or something… and was outgrowing her other clothes.

Rory was mostly tasked with running after our very mobile little girl and monitoring the small tornado she occasionally whips up around her.  But he started browsing the clothes a little too, and he came across this outfit. “She HAS to have this,” he said as he held it up for me to see.  Truth be told, I did NOT like the outfit when I saw it on the hanger.  But I could see that Rory had already imagined our daughter wearing that, and I had never seen him so insistent on any article of clothing let alone our little girl’s clothing, so into the cart it went.

When we got home, Rory immediately put our little girl in the outfit.  And I was smitten.  The outfit was infinitely cuter on her than on the hanger.

So… the short version of that is: I had the outfit for her before I even had the idea.  So was I inspired by the outfit to choose the “Country Girl” photo shoot? Or did I have the idea for a “Country Girl” photo shoot and decided to act on it because of the outfit? I don’t know.

But the point is it fit the vision I had.  When I think country clothing I think: boots, denim, plaid, a touch of shabby, and red (for some reason!).  So I wanted to make sure my little girl’s clothing fit most, if not all, that criteria for the photo shoot. The result- the outfit below!

country photo shoot portland photographercountry photo shoot Portland photographer


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